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UI Item Select (Open Source) by Blue Origin - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Easy item selection UI for trees and listboxes

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ReleasedJan 02, 2023
Publisher Blue Origin
License BSD 3-Clause
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=20.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Dependencies oglib_array   blue_origin_lib_deferpanelupdates_opensource   blue_origin_lib_blueutilities_opensource  
Used By blue_origin_lib_runlog_opensource   blue_origin_lib_bluetreemapviewer_opensource   blue_origin_lib_blue_event_log_opensource  
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This package adds selectable checkboxes to symbol-supported controls. (Listbox, Multicolumn lisbtox, Tree)

This package was VERY heavily inspried by a library written by Hoovahh here:

While this package maintains the same public interface developed by Hoovahh, the underlying code was largely rewritten in order to maximize performance. This package is confirmed to be performant even with large tree controls with several thousand tags.

Release Notes (Jan 02, 2023)

vi descriptions added

bjustice was a contributor to this release

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