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Hooovahh Numeric and Math by Hooovahh - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Common tools for manipulating numerics, and math functions.

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ReleasedNov 17, 2020
Publisher Hooovahh
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=18.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Used By hooovahh_file_io  
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This package contains a set of VIs for performing math functions, or numeric manipulation.

Release Notes (Nov 17, 2020)
- Calcualting distance in 3D space
- Calculate CRC of Data with CRC-8 and CRC-32 support
- Numerics are the same which takes into account NaN comparisions
- Data Manipulation subpallet with various reverse and conversion functions
- Time Stamp to String
- Has Time Of Day Passed polymorphics
- Convert Double to String with Precision
- Interpolate XY
- Round to Nearest Increment

hooovahh was a contributor to this release

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