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WebSockets by MediaMongrels - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Library for communicating using WebSockets

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ReleasedDec 13, 2023
Publisher MediaMongrels
License MIT
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=13.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Used By mediamongrels_ltd_lib_websockets_secure_addon   samangh_lib_wamplv_wamp_client   labview_open_source_project_lib_mqtt_websockets_connection  
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This library implements WebSockets Client and Server functionality for communicating between LabVIEW applications and between a LabVIEW Application and a WebSockets Client (e.g. web-browser) and Server (e.g. 3rd Party Services using WebSockets).

Release Notes (Dec 13, 2023)

[Fix: 7] Handshake header is now case-insensitive match as per RFC2616
[Fix: 9] Fix for an infinite loop on Read is no connection (no socket)

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