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NI Noise Generation IP by NI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

This IP provides enables the generation of both uniform and additive white Gaussian (AWGN) noise using an NI LabVIEW FPGA device. The noise is produced in IQ pairs for ease of use in communications applications.

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ReleasedMay 19, 2016
Publisher NI
License NI Sample Code License
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=13.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
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This IP provides blocks for generating uniform and AWGN noise types. The underlying random number generation is achieved using linear feedback shifts registers, which are also exposed as 23, 31, and 32-bit PRBS generators.

The IP supports up to 256 combined instances of PRBS and Noise IP blocks. The seeds are configured via the host.

Release Notes (May 19, 2016) no release notes for this version

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