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WF ProgressBar by WireFlow - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Adds progressbar functionallity to the LabVIEW palettes

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ReleasedMay 19, 2016
Publisher WireFlow
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=9.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Used By automated_software_technology_lib_ast_unit_tester  
Project links Homepage  


This module gives the user access to an easy way of displaying progress. The progressbar windows is easily replaceable/modified to fit the needs/color scheme of the current project. The default ProgressBar Window/API supports;
* delayed opening of the ProgressBar
* Three different message strings ("Title", "General" and "Current item")
* "General" and "Current item" strings can be formatted with Italic, Bold or Underline
* Option to cancel an operation from the ProgressBar window
* ...

The online documentation is delivered as a PDF doument and requires a PDF reader
(See Help->WireFlow->ProgressBar)

Release Notes (May 19, 2016)

* Fixed issue with Cancellation notification, where the cancel message could be missed due to a conflict between reentrancy setting and dynamic dispatch.
* Updated some VI descriptions
* Updated comments on the example BD
* Fixed search tags in NI-Example finder

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