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This is a continuation of the Native MQTT Broker and Client presentation from LabVIEW Open Source Project, where I add secured TCP connection using TLS 1.2.

04min00: Installing the "Connection.Secured TCP" extension package
05min06: Configuring our Secured TCP Connection
09min50: Creating Self-Signed Certificates
12min24: Downloading Cloudflare SSL
13min43: Generating the Root Certificate and Private Key
14min56: Generating the self-signed server certificate
16min06: Exploring the certificates generated
17min46: Deploying the certificates on server and client
21min31: Concluding remarks


Ralf Hello Francois, Is there a way to get this package (MQTT Secure TCP Connection) for LabView version 2019 (x64)? Best regards Ralle
 •  Reply5 months

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