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First of all, thank you for sharing such a toolkit with the community!
Let me, please, suggest one simple point. It would be great to get HSE Logger menu palette on right-click on the toolkit's VIs. I guess for that you could enable "Add Palette to Library or Class" checkbox in the "Palettes" settings of the VIPM configuration build. Then, HSE Logger menu will appear directly in the menu when user does right-click on any of the toolkit's palette functions.
Thanks a lot in advance!


Hampel Software Engineering Hey Ivan, thanks for your support and for the awesome recommendation. We've added an issue at
 •  Reply3 years
Hampel Software Engineering Hey Ivan, your requested feature will make it into the next release. Thanks for bearing with us!
 •  Reply3 years
Ivan Yakushchenko Sounds great, thanks a lot!
 •  Reply3 years
Joerg Hampel Just to double-check, this feature is available from v2.0.6.
 •  Reply2 years

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