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If I get this right, packages posted here with Post >> Package ends up being visible in the VIPM desktop app from the 'VIPM Community' repository, right?

It says here to post open source packages. We do have open source packages that we'd like to make more publically available, but we also have closed source packages and trial packages for paid software, that could be valuable for users to discover through VIPM. Frankly, NI Tools network is cumbersome at best, what is the best way to make closed source/paid software (and open source of course) instantly available in VIPM?


Jim Kring Hi Steen. Open source packages can be published on and will be (nearly) instantly available in VIPM. There is an initial human verification that new packages meet the general requirements for publishing and then subsequent releases of the same package are not gated in this way.
 •  Reply3 years

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