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HSE Logger image
HSE Logger
A flexible and extensible logging system inspired by the Python logging module.

by Hampel Software Engineering
DQMH Palette image
DQMH Palette
Contains the low level functions used to manage the DQMH queue and the Module Admin objects

by DQMH Consortium
DQMH image
DQMH is the Future of Team-Based LabVIEW™ Development!

by DQMH Consortium
DQMH Documentation image
DQMH Documentation
This package installs the DQMH Documentation in the LabVIEW Help menu >> DQMH Consortium >> DQMH

by DQMH Consortium
DQMH Event Scripter image
DQMH Event Scripter
This package installs the Tools>>DQMH Consortium>>DQMH Tools

by DQMH Consortium
DQMH Project Template image
DQMH Project Template
This package installs the DQMH Project Template in the Getting Started>>Create Project window

by DQMH Consortium
DQMH Thermal Chamber Examples image
DQMH Thermal Chamber Examples
Examples to illustrate how the DQMH modules could be used in a LabVIEW project or in a TestStand project

by DQMH Consortium
Switcheroo image
For switching tests to point to ppl or vipm installed library instead of source library

by SAS Workshops
VITester For G-CLI image
VITester For G-CLI
Tool for running VI Tester tests via G-CLI

by SAS Workshops
Summer of LabVIEW - Maze image
Summer of LabVIEW - Maze
The maze Summer of LabVIEW programming challenge.

by Derrick B
LUnit For G-CLI image
LUnit For G-CLI
Tool for running Lunit tests via G CLI

by SAS Workshops
NI gRPC Types image
NI gRPC Types
Common message types shared by NI gRPC APIs

by NI
MQTT Connection image
MQTT Connection
MQTT Connection and Base functionality for MQTT clients and servers

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
GitLab API image
GitLab API
Automate GitLab by using its simple and powerful REST API.

by Hampel Software Engineering
VIPC Applier For G CLI image
VIPC Applier For G CLI
Tool for Applying VIPC files via G CLI

by SAS Workshops
Clear LabVIEW Cache For G-CLI image
Clear LabVIEW Cache For G-CLI
Tool for clearing the LabVIEW cache via G CLI

by SAS Workshops
Neosoft DHCP Server image
Neosoft DHCP Server
Basic DHCP server with a built-in API

by Neosoft Technologies
JKI HTTP REST Client image
HTTP REST Client Library for LabVIEW

by JKI
IG VoicemeeterRemote API image
IG VoicemeeterRemote API
LabVIEW wrapper for the VoicemeeterRemote API to control audio devices and routing in Windows

by Illuminated G
MQTT Broker image
MQTT Broker
Native LabVIEW MQTT Broker

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Connection image
Connection base class for client and servers alike

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Advanced Structures image
Advanced Structures
Advanced Structures

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Collection Extensions (Sets and Maps) for LabVIEW image
Collection Extensions (Sets and Maps) for LabVIEW
Map and Set Extensions for LabVIEW

by VIPM Community
muParser Expression Parser API image
muParser Expression Parser API
API for calling muParser fast math expression parser (

GraphBuilder image
Toolkit to create, perform several algorithms and render directed graphs

by Cyril Gambini
IG Relative Build Paths image
IG Relative Build Paths
Saves build spec paths relatively more often.

by Illuminated G
Robust CSV image
Robust CSV
API for reading and writing CSV files using the format described in RFC-4180.

MQTT Control Packets image
MQTT Control Packets
MQTT Control Packets

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Cryptographic Functions image
Cryptographic Functions
Fast, Native Cryptographic and Hashing Function

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Caraya Unit Test Framework image
Caraya Unit Test Framework
Caraya Unit Test Framework by JKI

by JKI
OpenURI image
Unique Resource Identifier (URI) RFC3986

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Data Manipulation image
Data Manipulation
Low-Level Data Manipulation Utilities

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Git API image
A collection of LabVIEW VIs for using the git command line client.

by Hampel Software Engineering
WebSockets image
Library for communicating using WebSockets

by MediaMongrels
dotNET Cryptography Library image
dotNET Cryptography Library
A LabVIEW wrapper for the .NET Cryptography library. Supporting: - Asymmetric Encryption: RSA - Hash Functions: MD5, HMAC (256/384/512), SHA-1, SHA-2 (256/384…

by MediaMongrels Ltd
WebSockets Secure Addon image
WebSockets Secure Addon
This VI Package adds Secure WebSockets (wss://) support to the MediaMongrels Ltd WebSockets API. Uses the native LabVIEW 2020 Support for SSL/TLS sockets.

by MediaMongrels Ltd
Cron Scheduler image
Cron Scheduler
Cron Scheduling Libraries

by G Open Source Project for LabVIEW
Messenger Library image
Messenger Library
A library for easy messaging between processes (including easy TCP).

by JDP Science
IG WebSocket Stream image
IG WebSocket Stream
WebSockets based on IG Stream and for integration in IG HTTP Server

by Illuminated G
Improved Error Dialog image
Improved Error Dialog
Revamped Error Dialog by Neosoft Technologies Inc

by Neosoft Technologies
LV-WebSockets image
A library implementing the WebSocket protocol including support for resource names

by LS Instruments
SAS Timing Test Doubles image
SAS Timing Test Doubles
Provides a seam in order to inject a Test Double to override LabVIEW's built in timing primitives.

by System Automation Solutions LLC

by Schaffer Engineering LLC
Hooovahh Array VIMs image
Hooovahh Array VIMs
Collection of OpenG Array VIs converted into VIMs

by Hooovahh
Open Source Package License Collector image
Open Source Package License Collector
Get license files and information about open-source packages used in your LabVIEW development

by Neosoft Technologies
WebView2 image
Provides a XControl wrapping Edge

by sklein
KD Tree image
KD Tree
A fast KD-Tree for nearest neighbor lookup based on flann

by sklein
DQMH CLI Module Validation image
DQMH CLI Module Validation
DQMH(R) module validator tool via command line interface.

by DQMH Consortium
IG AutoComplete image
IG AutoComplete
A tiny autocomplete search UI for string controls that can work as a popup or using an existing ListBox

by Illuminated G
LabVIEW-QuickDrops-Manager image
Tool for managing your QuickDrops